Legislation Looks to Provide More Funding to Delaware Tech


Delaware State Senator Harris McDowell, a Democrat of Wilmington along with State Representative Edward Osienski, a Democrat of Newark have unveiled a proposal that would provide funds to Delaware Technical Community College for infrastructure repairs, which they say would not result in the implementation of any new property taxes.

Sen. McDowell says “Delaware Tech is at a crisis point and we must do something now,” He continued “This solution would provide a stable funding source to help the college fix leaky roofs, renovate failing heating and air conditioning systems and repair crumbling sidewalks without forcing our residents to pay a single penny more in taxes.”

The State Legislature says Del Tech plays a critical role in the State’s economy by providing workforce development, vocational training and transfer education that connects Delawareans with good paying jobs within the State and region. The Act would give the College’s Board of Trustees the authority to issue bonds to finance the cost of major and minor capital improvements, deferred maintenance, and the acquisition of related equipment and educational technology and establishes the Community College Infrastructure Fund to pay the principal and interest on such bonds.

SS1 for SB50 is slated for a final vote on the Senate floor on Thursday.

