National Burn Awareness Week


This is National Burn Awareness Week.  State fire officials remind you that burn injuries occur from other sources than fire!  A burn can also come from chemicals, hot liquids, heated devices and of course, fire related incidents.   Almost a quarter of all burn injuries occur in kids under the age of 15.   Most injuries occur at home and most are preventable.

The American Burn Association and its Burn Prevention Committee wants to bring awareness to the cause of such devastating and costly injuries and encourage the public to make simple environmental and behavioral changes that has proven to mitigate this problem.

          Using the term “M. O. B.,” (Mechanisms of Burn) for the national campaign, the many ways in which a burn injury may occur is addressed. The campaign’s unique approach features a law and order motif. The many causes of burns (Flame, scald, electrical, etc.) are identified as “criminals” being sought after by “Police Commissioner Sean O’Safety.” Fire and Life Safety Educators, parents and others are given the opportunity to explore the various ways in which a “criminal” may cause a burn. Specific topics address the mechanism of injury for various age groups and persons with disabilities. For example, Larry “The Steamer” Liquids, may cause a burn in a different manner to a young child, then an older adult; or William “The Wire,” Electricity may cause in electrical injury in many forms. By arming themselves with the knowledge of the many different ways a burn injury could occur, individuals may take the necessary steps to ensure a safe environment for themselves and their loved ones.
