VA Mission Act Passes in US House


The US House has passed legislation that will benefit Veterans.  The VA Mission Act will institute critical reforms to the VA’s health care system.  1st District Congressman Andy Harris voted to approve the measure will streamline the veterans community care programs and fund the Veterans Choice program.  He says that veterans on the Eastern Shore now may not be forced to travel to Baltimore for procedures that can be performed locally at most Shore hospitals and at other medical facilities.  Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester also voted for the measure.


Congressman Andy Harris’s full comment:

“As a physician and a veteran, I believe every veteran deserves accessible, high quality health care. For too long, bureaucratic red tape has forced veterans on the Eastern Shore to travel all the way to Baltimore for procedures that can be performed locally at most Shore hospitals and at other medical facilities. The VA MISSION Act will streamline the VA’s community care programs, fund the VA Choice Program, and expand the VA’s Post-9/11 Caregiver Program to all veterans. I applaud my colleagues in the House for passing these reforms, so the VA can provide veterans the care they deserve.”

