WGMD Fishing Report 4-8-18


Saturday was cold and damp, but I was inside the Bower’s Beach Fire Hall eating lots of good food and talking about fishing.  On my way home I stopped by a few local spots and only saw two guys fishing.  They were at the base of the Milton Spillway and I didn’t see them catch anything.

One fellow who caught something was sorry he did.  Two river herring taken near Seaford cost out intrepid angler $214.  We had another poacher using a net within 300 feet of a spillway.  You must really love a herring to take that kind of chance to catch and keep some.  Back when they were legal to retain I still threw most of them back because I didn’t care for the taste or the bones.  I did keep a few that I salted down for bait and a half dozen or so I planted under my tomatoes.

According to my source, it looks like the State of Delaware will be sinking the old Twin Capes ferry boat at the Del-Jersey-Land Reef by the end of May.  As is always the case, the exact date is weather dependent.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report. 

