2nd Crew of MD Wildland Firefighters in Montana

Image courtesy MD DNR

Maryland’s second crew of wildland firefighters has been mobilized and have been sent to Montana.  The crew consists of 14 members of the MD DNR – from the Maryland Forest Service, Park Service and Wildlife and Heritage Service.  They join an additional 160 people who have been assigned to the Tenmile Fire for a 14 day tour.

The Tenmile Fire, which is burning about 372 acres (zero percent contained) in the Kootenai National Forest in Northwest Montana.

Current Status 08-06-18 9am EDT: With another day of low winds and good weather, crews made good progress on the fire lines. The fire continues to move downhill towards containment lines, and crews have been monitoring for spot fires in heavy timber stands. Helicopters continued to make water bucket drops as needed. Crews on the west end of the fire utilized heavy equipment to improve fire lines. On the northwest side of the fire, hose lines were placed and work on mop-up began. Some areas inside the fire area were burned slowly to bring the fire’s edge to the fire line. The work on a shaded fuel break along the indirect fire line continued. Heavy equipment is being used to thin vegetation and reduce ground fuels which then reduces the fire intensity. This firefighting method provides a safety and more effective opportunity for crews to hold the fire as it approaches the fire line.