2nd Del. Recreational Cannabis Bill Stalls In House


Legislation to set up the regulatory and operations framework for legalized sales of marijuana in Delaware failed to pass in the House of Representatives. It is the second of two bills that are designed to clear the way for legalized recreational use of marijuana by adults.
The measure (House Bill 372) requires a three-fifths vote of ‘yes’ to pass, but did not reach that threshold. The vote Thursday was 23 yes, 15 no. Two lawmakers were absent
The Sponsor, Representative Ed Osienski, D- Brookside took the procedural move of voting ‘no’ after voting ‘yes’ which allows the measure to possibly be brought up again in June. The General Assembly is in recess for two weeks for budget mark-up.
Legislation to remove penalties for adults who possess one ounce or less of cannabis (House Bill 371) has been approved and sent to Governor John Carney for his consideration.
