2nd Republican Enters Race For Sussex Co. Register Of Wills


An Ellendale woman is campaigning for the Sussex County Row Office that was once held by her mother.
Candice Green Wilkinson told WGMD News Friday that she’s running for the Republican nomination for Register of Wills.

“I’m excited to get to work, if I can – I hope people can hear my message and my desire is to go in there and serve and protect their wealth and to get young people in there that are excited to learn the job. So, I hope I get the chance to do that,” Wilkinson said. She added that she would be committed to keeping fees and taxes low.

Candice Green Wilkinson on WGMD News Fri. May 6th

Wilkinson was campaign manager and treasurer for her mother, Sussex County Councilwoman Cindy Green. She is employed as a registrar and patient care technician at a local hospital.
Greg Fuller is also seeking the GOP nomination for Register of Wills.

Greg Fuller previously spoke with WGMD’s Mike Bradley.