5 Points Roadway / Trail Rejected

Over 250 concerned citizens packed in to the Beacon Middle School gymnasium Monday evening to observe the DelDOT and the Five Points Transportation Study Work Group discuss and vote on a number of recommendations for consideration.

Image © WGMD/Walt Palmer

Item 76 called for DelDOT to “Evaluate the potential transportation benefits, costs, and impacts of a road and trail along the decommissioned railroad right of way, possibly from Cool Springs to Savannah Road”.

Following a brief discussion the Work Group voted 9 to 3, with one abstention, not to recommend Item 76 for further consideration. This met with cheers and applause from scores in the crowd who were against the plan.

Image © WGMD/Walt Palmer

Of the 104 recommendations previously discussed by the Work Group, this was the most discussed and a hot issue on social media for the past several weeks and a petition against the roadway was signed by over 1200 citizens.


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