Blades Groundwater Site Added to Superfund Priority List


A groundwater site in Blades has been added to the U.S. E.P.A. Superfund National Priorities List.

The federal commitment clears the way for remedial action funded under the Superfund program. EPA will conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study to determine the nature and extent of contamination, determine risks to human health and the environment, and examine clean-up options.

“Superfund cleanup continues to be a top priority for EPA,” EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio said. “Today’s listing ensures that resources are available to take the necessary cleanup actions to address the contamination and any potential impacts on the Blades community.”

The federal agency will continue working with the Delaware Department o f Natural Resources as a plan develops. Water in Blades has been successfully treated with carbon filtration, but additional action is needed to maintain safe drinking water which was impacted by industrial contaminants.

“Today’s listing by the EPA will allow us to continue our joint work, now with Superfund authority to investigate and remediate the contamination in municipal and residential wells in Blades,” Delaware Natural Resources Secretary Shawn Garvin said.

EPA opened a 60-day comment period after first proposing Blades as a Superfund site last November.
