7,800 More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Arrive In Del.


Delaware has obtained 7,800 additional doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, two days after getting an original shipment of 975 doses. 3,900 more doses of the Pfizer vaccine are expected to arrive in Delaware next week.

Public Health Director Dr. Karyl Rattay was on hand at DPH’s cold-storage warehouse in Kent County, where the vaccines are being kept until they’re distributed.

“This is a historic moment for us in Public Health, and I can’t express how eager I am to get the vaccine into the hands of our partners at the health care systems, so they can start to vaccinate their frontline and essential staff,” Rattay said. “They have faithfully cared for the sickest Delawareans while bravely risking their own health and often sacrificing contact with their own families to keep us all healthy and safe. It is our greatest hope that those same health care workers will now care for themselves by receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. It is the best protection we can offer them, and one of the ways we will beat this virus.”

Vaccines will be distributed among the state’s health care systems to protect their frontline and essential staff.

Later Thursday, DPH is expected to set up a call center for Delawareans to contact with questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.
