AAA Analysis: Men Are More Likely Than Women To Drive Aggressively


Who are most aggressive behind the wheel – men, or women?

A AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety data study confirms that men are more likely than women to speed, tailgate, make gestures or honk at other drivers or merge suddenly.

Nearly eight in ten American drivers, regardless of gender, behave aggressively while driving, with speeding the most common offense.

Such acts, however, are dangerous or even deadly.

If you need to cool down, AAA suggests that you not take actions that cause another driver to take a sudden action or speed up, be tolerant and forgiving of another driver, who for all you know may be having a really bad day… and don’t respond with eye contact or gestures to other acts of aggression.

“Speeding, red-light running, and cutting other drivers off can kill you, your passengers, and others sharing the road,” said Jake Nelson, AAA’s director of traffic safety advocacy. “Driving aggressively isn’t worth the risk. When you get behind the wheel, be patient, be kind, and obey traffic laws so everyone gets home safely.”
