All Eyes On Isaias


Watches for tropical storms and flash flooding were issued for much of the region Sunday as the storm known as Isaias was bearing down on Florida.

The main threats of the storm were expected to be rain, wind and rip currents at the beaches. The Delaware Emergency Management Agency warned Delawareans to expect road closures, downed trees and power lines, power outages and the possibility of water service disruptions. DEMA was recommending a final check of emergency plans and emergency kits.

(You can find find storm prep information and a hurricane tracking map here on

The Sussex County Emergency Operations warns that time is running short to remove and secure loose objects outside, clear storm drains and downspouts, and to check submersible pumps. Supplies to have on hand include three days’ worth of water and food as well as medications, batteries, cash and other essentials.

Conditions were expected to deteriorate late Monday or Monday evening, with storm conditions expected to last at least until Tuesday evening. WGMD will have constant updates on the progress of Isaias.
