Arizona Senator John McCain Died Saturday After a Battle with Brain Cancer


Arizona Sen. John McCain, a war hero who survived five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, served three decades in Congress and represented the Republican Party in the 2008 election, died Saturday after a battle with brain cancer. He was 81.  READ MORE HERE

PROGRAMMING NOTE:  With the passing of Senator John McCain, WGMD will air FOX News Sunday in full at noon and join Philadelphia Phillies baseball at 1pm.

Senator Coons’ statement on the passing of Senator John McCain

WILMINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) released the following statement on the passing of Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.).

“I have rarely met someone who cared so deeply, sacrificed so much, and represented the best of the United States of America like John McCain.  From his service in the United States Navy to his nearly four decades in Congress, John literally lived a life of service to this country, and our nation is better for it.
“Traveling with John to a dozen countries, including to a refugee camp in Jordan, a military base in Afghanistan and to the Hỏa Lò Prison in Hanoi, Vietnam, where he was held captive and tortured as a POW for more than five years, has taught me about America’s roles and responsibilities in the world.  I’ve seen John represent our country in ways few are able to – delivering tough, principled messages to foreign leaders who didn’t always want to hear them, commanding immediate respect at international gatherings, and even showing the grace to extend a hand of friendship in a country where he endured the unthinkable.  In every one of those instances, John not only spoke for the United States, he embodied the principles and traditions that make this country exceptional.
“John’s impact was no less significant in the Senate, where he has held a unique reputation among both Democrats and Republicans as someone who understood what this body can and should be.   When the most complicated, difficult issues were up for debate, from health care to immigration, from national security to campaign finance, we have all benefitted from John’s principled, independent leadership and the trust and respect he’s earned over decades.  I was particularly grateful for the opportunity earlier this year to partner with him on a compromise immigration reform bill that offered a way forward when the Senate was stuck.  In the years ahead, we will miss his ability to bring Senators together and remind us of what we can do when we check partisanship at the door and work together.
“Most of all, I will miss John as a friend and colleague.  I will miss his sage advice, unyielding determination, and famous way with words.  Annie and I will be praying for Cindy and all of John’s family in the coming days, and we will cherish our memories of John always.”

Senator Cardin Statement on the Passing of Senator John McCain

 BALTIMORE – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement Saturday on the death of U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.):

“This is an incredibly sad day. John McCain was an honorable public servant who sacrificed greatly to serve his country in uniform and as a lawmaker proudly representing the people of Arizona. His death is a great loss for this country, his state and, above all, his family and friends. My deepest sympathies and condolences are with Cindy, their children, and family at this very difficult time.
“For nearly a dozen years in the United States Senate, Senator McCain has been my friend and my enduring partner in standing up for universal human rights and advancing other core American values. The Sergei and Global Magnitsky laws would not have been possible without our genuine bipartisan resolve to change the course of human rights accountability for the worst rights abusers in Russia and worldwide.
“Last year, Senator McCain worked with me to ensure a new, tough sanctions regime against Vladimir Putin and his oligarchs for their insidious attack on our democracy. Senator McCain fought alongside me to make sure our efforts to hold Russia accountable made it into law. Just last month, he joined a bipartisan group of senators again toward the same goal, given Putin’s persistent attacks on our democratic system.
“The United States Senate and the American people have lost in John McCain a man who was the very definition of service to country.
“I will miss John terribly, and I hope all Americans will pause today to remember his legacy and admire his courage.”

Governor Larry Hogan Statement on the Passing of Senator John McCain

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan issued the following statement on the death of U.S. Senator John McCain:

“Senator John McCain will forever remain one of most valiant heroes our country has ever known. He has long stood as a shining example of doing the right thing and standing up for his principles even – and especially – when the going gets tough.
“I am lucky to count myself among those privileged enough to have known him. All of us join Senator McCain’s family and colleagues in taking pride in his legacy of selfless service, grit, and determination. A grateful nation will be forever in his debt.
“The First Lady and I hold his wife Cindy, his family, and all those who knew and admired him in our prayers, and join them in mourning the loss of a true American hero who I was deeply honored to know.”

Sen. Carper on the Passing of Sen. John McCain

WILMINGTON, Del. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement on the passing of U.S. Senator John McCain:

“Today, our nation lost a true hero. While we have had a little over a year to prepare for this moment, time has not made preparing for this great loss any easier. I was privileged to serve with John McCain for several years, first in the House of Representatives and then for the past 17 years in the Senate. As freshman congressmen, he and I bonded over having both served in the Navy at the same time in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. Later we worked on recovering the missing remains of our fallen soldiers, and our efforts, along with the efforts of others, led to normalized relations between the U.S. and Vietnam.
“We were both taught in the military to lead by example, and John did that every single day. He walked out of step when it was the right thing to do, he put his country above party, and we could use more leaders like him in public service.
“There will never be another man like John, he was truly an American original. But I hope in our own way we can all strive to be more like him. Tonight, Martha and I will pray for Cindy and the McCain family.”

