AUDIO: Rehoboth Residents Continue the Fight for the Nativity with City Commissioners

Father William Cocco speaking to the Rehoboth City Commissioners on Friday, December 21.
The Rehoboth Commission met Friday in their first afternoon session and were faced with a packed house – many waiting to speak on the Nativity issue, which has not really been set to rest. Father William Cocco of St Edmond Catholic Church again spoke to the City Commissioners (full comments – begins and ends with Mayor Paul Kuhns)…
Grotto Pizza has given the nativity a home this Christmas season and many other nativities have been placed on private property along the Avenue in support. However residents want the Nativity back at its former home at the bandstand.

Nativity’s temporary new home at Grotto Pizza
Other businesses and residents have also placed nativity scenes around the resort.

Nativity at the home next to Rehoboth Beach City Hall

Nativity at Conch Island
For more on this story see also: Original Story on the Removal of the Nativity
And WGMD’s Mike Bradley’s Interview on FOX’s “The Todd Starnes Show”