Berlin Reopens Town Hall, Invites Attendance At Public Meetings


Berlin is immediately opening its town buildings and meetings to the public.

Mayor Zack Tyndall said people who attend meetings in person will be required to wear a face covering and maintain social distancing. In-person attendance will be limited.

“We will continue to monitor the State and County positivity rates to help keep our staff safe and ensure the continuity of government services,” Tyndall said.

Berlin will continue to live-stream its public meetings on the Town of Berlin Facebook page.

Berlin provided this guidance moving forward:

Limited in-person attendance at meetings will be allowed, with up to 16 seats available to presenters, members of the public, and the press, in addition to Town officials and staff. Doors will be open 15 minutes before the designated start time of the meeting, and seating will be first-come, first-served.  At the start of the meeting, or when capacity has been reached, the doors will be locked to entry from the outside.

Public meetings will continue to be streamed live on Facebook, and public comment will be taken from those in attendance, followed by written questions or comments submitted before Noon on the day of the meeting.

Masks are required by members of the public entering Town buildings and everyone that attends in-person public meetings. We also ask that everyone follow the CDC and Maryland Department of Health recommendations for social distancing and regular hand washing.
