Carper Approves Of Biden Offshore Wind Power Initiative


The Biden Administration is looking to harness more offshore wind power, and Delaware’s senior Senator is supportive of Monday’s announcement.

New leases, more funding and targeted goals for wind energy development are part of plan which the President’s team says will expand renewable energy and create thousands of jobs across the country.

Senator Tom Carper, D- Delaware, chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said the correct policies can encourage offshore wind energy development while protecting fishing and wildlife while creating good-paying American jobs.

“Today’s announcement by the Biden Administration, coupled with the Carper-Collins offshore wind investment tax credit passed and signed into law last year, mean we will soon see windmills along the East Coast. Finally, offshore wind projects in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia will be deployed and bring clean, reliable energy to the residents of Delmarva and beyond,” Carper said.

Carper was a co-sponsor last year of legislation that extends the wind investment tax credit to 30-percent for offshore wind projects.
