Carper: Automakers can no longer stay ‘stuck in neutral’ citing pollution from cars, trucks & vans

U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-DE)

Delaware’s Senior U.S. Senator Tom Carper is speaking out after the Trump Administration moved to revoke the State of California’s authority under the Clean Air Act to set and enforce its own fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards.

“To those auto companies that remain silent today, I’ll say this: it’s no longer an option to stay stuck in neutral,” Sen. Carper said. “Clearly, this administration has no interest in helping America’s automotive industry compete in the global market that’s moving toward the cleaner, alternative fuel vehicles of the future.”

In October 2018, Senators Carper, Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sent a letter to EPA then-Acting Administrator Wheeler and Secretary of the Department of Transportation Elaine Chao warning the administration that its proposal to remove California’s authority to set its own clean car standards wrongly asserts that the state’s authority is preempted by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

Since the beginning of the Trump Administration, Senator Carper said he has met repeatedly with Trump Administration officials and urged them to seek common ground with all stakeholders.

Sen. Carper said he met with Pres. Trump and key stakeholders prior to the annoucnement that the Administration was revoking the state’s power to set limits on pollution from cars and trucks.

“It’s time for automakers to speak up and take a stand against this administration’s reckless path,” Sen. Carper said. “Their industry, our economy and the health of our planet is depending on it.”
