Christmas Tree Recycling in Worcester County & Ocean City

If you live in Worcester County – they are hosting the annual collection of Christmas Trees through January 31st. Residents can drop off their Christmas trees at the Central Landfill in Newark and at the Homeowners Convenience Centers in Berlin, Pocomoke and Snow Hill free of charge. Businesses and organizations that sold trees will not be permitted to drop trees at the convenience centers – but can take them to the Central Landfill where applicable tipping fees will be assessed.

The trees will be ground into mulch for use at the Central Landfill. Remember to remove all ornaments, tinsel and tree stands!

For more info, contact Recycling Manager Bob Keenan at 410-632-3177, ext. 2405.


Ocean City residents can recycle their Christmas Trees through January 13th by placing them in the northeast corner of the 100th Street parking lot. This is a free service – remember to remove all tinsel, ornaments and other non-wooden items. Wreaths CANNOT be recycled. These trees will be taken to the Worcester County Landfill where they will be turned into mulch.