UPDATED: 2nd Community Meetings in Milton on Sussex Regional Recharge Facility is Tuesday

UPDATED 1/21/19 – A second community information session will be held Tuesday at the Milton Fire Hall for residents to learn more about the Sussex Regional Recharge Facility which is currently under construction north of town.聽 The facility will recycle treated wastewater through spray irrigation on woodlands and farm crops.聽 The meeting begins at 6pm for residents to look at maps, photos and graphics and ask questions.聽 A presentation on the project will begin at 7pm.聽 The Artesian Resources project team will be available with information and to answer your questions.


Artesian Resources will hold two community information sessions for residents to learn more about the Sussex Regional Recharge Facility. The facility is under construction north of Milton and will recycle treated wastewater through spray irrigation on woodlands and farm crops. The first information session will be Saturday at the Milton Library beginning at 1pm with stations opening for questions and a presentation at 2pm. The second session will be on Tuesday, January 22 at the Milton Fire Hall with stations opening for questions at 6pm and the presentation at 7pm. Maps, photos and graphics will be on display and the Artesian project team will be available to provide information and answer questions.