DE National Guard Ready if Needed During Storm

The Delaware National Guard, in coordination with the Delaware Emergency Management Agency, is prepared to support Delawareans during Winter Storm Toby. The Guard is prepositioning personnel and vehicles in New Castle and Sussex Counties and providing liaison officers at Emergency Operations Centers in those counties. We currently have Soldiers and Airmen on duty and fully prepared to support the state with any missions – snow, ice, or flood related.

Initial prepositioning includes Soldiers, Humvees and a wrecker in Wilmington, along with Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTV) and operators in Georgetown. The LMTVs are 2.5 ton trucks capable of transporting up to 15 passengers. They have a high clearance that allows operation in up to four feet of water.

“We are in constant communication and coordination with DEMA and all first responders in the state,” said Maj. Gen. Carol Timmons, Adjutant General, Delaware National Guard. “The National Guard is unique because we have the dual mission of the overseas warfight and supporting the homeland.”

Operators and tactical vehicles such as Humvees, LMTVs, and wreckers are available to each county’s Emergency Operations Center. We also have a surge capability on call to support this event with as many troops and vehicles as needed, said Timmons.

Soldiers and Airmen prepared to support are vehicle operators and typical support missions include: transport of Delawareans to safety, transport of police and other first responders, and transport of medical workers to hospitals. Troops also can provide traffic control, access control points, and medical personnel should medical shelters be operational. Additionally,
the Delaware National Guard is providing crash and rescue support on the New Castle County Airport, and civil engineers are ensuring the taxiways and facilities on the airport remain operational.

In addition to vehicle operators, we have command staff in each operational armory and Liaison Officers supporting Emergency Operations Centers in New Castle and Sussex counties. The Delaware National Guard Joint Emergency Operations Center is staffed around the clock, until the event is complete.