Del. Tinkers With Plans For 2nd COVID Vaccine Dose


Delaware Public Health is revising the state’s vaccination plans regarding the second dose.

The CDC has announced that a second shot could be scheduled 42 days after the first dose, if it’s not possible to meet Pfizer’s recommendation of 21 days or Moderna’s guideline of 28 days. Because of the limited supply, DPH is recommending that vaccine partners schedule people for their second doses between 28 and 35 days after the first dose.

Public health also says the second dose of the vaccine does not need to be administered by the same provider as the first vaccination, or at the same location. However, the second dose should come from the same manufacturer as the first dose.

Also, after a delay due to supply issues, county paramedic units are getting doses of the vaccine and appointments can be made through first responder agencies.

Vaccination of teachers and school staff has also begun. About 200 educators received their shot Thursday at Polytech High School in Kent County. About 1,000 more teachers and school employees will be vaccinated through Sunday.

For more information about coronavirus vaccine in Delaware, please CLICK HERE
