Del. Updates Scholastic Sports Guidance

Governor John Carney Tuesday updated Delaware’s COVID-19 State of Emergency that clarifies scholastic athletics competition health-related guidelines.

Sports are classified as high risk, medium risk and low risk. Each classification carries guidance about masks, social distancing and other precautions designed to protect players, coaches and families.

Wrestling and football are in the high risk category, and athletes must wear a face mask. Or, an organization or a league must “present a plan to DPH to modify the sport or limit contact, according to the guidance.”

“We want Delaware’s children to be active, to get outside this fall. But coaches, sports organizers and parents need to make sure they’re following all necessary precautions to keep children and families safe from COVID-19,” Carney said. “This virus is still active in our communities. Wear a mask. Physically distance from others. Don’t gather in large groups. We’re beating this virus, but we all need to stay vigilant.”

“We value the important physical, social, and emotional role that recreational and league sports plays in both the lives of youth and adults,” DPH Health Systems Protection Chief Jamie Mack said. “Our focus is making sure that it can be done safely for not only players, but also coaches, officials, spectators, and others involved. We will continue to concentrate on face covering and social distancing requirements as critically important strategies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during practice and play.”