EXCLUSIVE | Delaware Congressional Campaign ignited over impeachment inquiry

Left to Right: Lee Murphy; Lisa Blunt-Rochester

Republican Congressional candidate Lee Murphy slammed Congresswoman Lisa Blunt-Rochester over her support of the current impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

“She’s out of touch with the people of Delaware,” Murphy explained in an interview with WGMD’s Rob Petree where he said there are no real grounds to impeach the President.

Congresswoman Blunt-Rochester recently took to social media to tout her support for an impeachment inquiry which she announced back in July, long before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched the official probe on Tuesday.


In July, the Congresswoman formally announced her support of a potential impeachment inquiry, saying “the President may have a misguided interpretation of the powers granted to him under Article II of the Constitution, but Article I is abundantly clear – the House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment.”

Following Tuesday’s announcement, Congresswoman Blunt-Rochester took to Facebook and wrote: “While I was of the opinion in July that we had sufficient facts and evidence to move forward with an impeachment inquiry, these latest developments underscore the need and urgency of that inquiry.”

Murphy suggested the Congresswoman’s support of the impeachment inquiry is a political attempt to align herself with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other outspoken Democrats in Congress who have been critical of President Trump.

In an interview with WGMD’s Rob Petree, Lee Murphy explained…

“This is totally her aligning herself with Nancy Pelosi and the more radical members of the Democratic Caucus in Congress that have been calling for impeachment since our president was elected,” Murphy said. “With all the other things that Congress could do, all the other things that the people need to have done, it’s a waste of time.”

Efforts to impeach the President will only result in Trump’s reelection in 2020, according to Murphy, along with a Republican controlled U.S. House and Senate.

“Our current Congresswoman, she’s not representing Nancy Pelosi’s district, she’s not representing AOC’s (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) district, or Maxine Water’s district, she’s supposed to represent Delaware and she’s not doing that,” said Murphy.

“I’m in this race to win and to represent the people here at home and in Washington D.C.”

WGMD News reached out to Congresswoman Lisa Blunt-Rochester who issued the following statement in response to Murphy’s comments:

My decision to support beginning an impeachment inquiry was not one I reached lightly nor is it a decision I relish. The President’s apparent misconduct made an inquiry necessary and while some candidates may choose to politicize that process, I will not. Despite my decision, I have continued to work with my colleagues in my caucus and across the aisle to advance issues important to Delawareans. On the Energy and Commerce Committee, we’ve recently passed over 25 bills, most of which were bipartisan, that would lower drug prices, end harmful and annoying robocalls, and protect consumer data. That work will continue regardless of the progression of the impeachment inquiry.
