Delaware DOJ slams Purdue Pharma’s settlement offer

Delaware Dept. of Justice (DOJ); Purdue Pharma

The Delaware Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a statement slamming Purdue Pharma’s settlement offer, saying it doesn’t come anywhere close to the $10-12 billion that was touted.

A majority of states rejected the settlement proposed by Purdue and the Sacklers. We have heard the voices of families across the country calling for justice.

The Delaware DOJ issued a statement reacting to the settlement proposal from Purdue which would pay $3 billion in cash over seven years.

“Purdue’s proposal does not provide anything close to the $10-12 billion that has been touted, nor does it provide the kind of accountability we feel is necessary,” the DOJ stated. “We will continue our fight to reveal what this company and its executives and directors did, to shut them down, and to make them pay what they owe to our communities.”

Earlier this week, Attorney General Kathy Jennings announced that she was suing seven members of the Sackler family for their alleged role in creating and sustaining the opioid crisis in Delaware.

Attorney General Jennings has a separate suit pending against Purdue Pharma and other companies in the opioid supply chain for their role in the opioid crisis. That case is ongoing in Superior Court.
