Delaware gas prices lowest in over a year


Delaware gas prices have dropped to their lowest point in over a year.

The average price for gas across Delaware is as low as it has been since January of 2019, at $2.08 cents for a gallon of regular unleaded.

Gas nationally and here in Delaware has been trending downward since the beginning of the year, but the drop-off has increased significantly in the past few weeks because of the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) stifling demand globally, and the Saudi-Russian oil war pushing down the price of crude even further.

“The average price of gas across Delaware is as low as it has been since January of 2019,” says Ken Grant, Public and Government Affairs Manager for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “And, the impact of COVID-19 and the oil price wars may significantly diminish the typical run up in gas prices we see through the spring.”

Crude oil prices have dipped below $30 per barrel – the lowest it has been in more than 20 years. Crude settled at $20.37 on Wednesday, more than $30 less than this time last month.

The national gas price average is $2.17 today, 13 cents less than a week ago, 28 cents less than a month ago and 41 cents less than last year on this date.
