Delaware General Assembly passes multiple laws to protect state’s aging population

The Delaware State Senate passed a series of reforms aimed to help protect the aging population in Delaware.

One law is replacing outdated language in the state code such as “sanatorium” with the more modern “long-term care facility.”

Another aims to better protect residents of long term care facilities by updating the state code with consistent terminology and practices, to ensure that all Delawareans receiving long term care are protected from abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.

Also, the Council on Services for Aging and Adults with Disabilities is being condensed from 22 members to 15 members. The new council composition must include an aging resident from each county of Delaware, four members of a public or nonprofit serving aging populations, a resident from each county with a disability, four agencies serving people with disabilities, and one member representing veterans issues.

All three bills passed the senate yesterday, and now head to Governor John Carney’s desk for Action.