Delaware GOP reschedules State Convention over coronavirus pandemic


The Delaware Republican Party has rescheduled their State Convention following the Governor’s emergency declaration over the coronavirus pandemic.

The Rehoboth Convention Center, where the Party planned to hold the State Convention, has closed through the end of April.

GOP officials have tentatively rescheduled the Convention for May 15th & 16th at the same location.

“Common sense rules apply. Stay home if you do not feel well or have symptoms of a cold, flu, or this virus,” explained Jane Brady, chair of the Delaware Republican Party. “Wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with others who are sick.”

The Party will continue many of their scheduled activities, but no one will be required to attend them.

Jane Brady also recommended that candidates suspend door-to-door campaigning for the current time.

“Many members of the public are uneasy with close personal contact with strangers right now, and it may cause them discomfort to interact with others, especially at their door,” Brady explained. “Literature distribution and contact with potential voters, other than interpersonal, will continue as appropriate in the judgement of the candidates.”
