Delaware GOP Sues Over Vote-By-Mail Plan


The Delaware Republican Party filed suit in Delaware Court of Chancery Wednesday seeking to overturn Delaware’s vote-by-mail statute.

The GOP contends that the procedure violates the Delaware Constitution in that a voter would not be required to show up in person to vote or, for limited reasons, vote by absentee.

Delaware Republican Party Chair Jane Brady said the GOP wants anyone to be able to vote by absentee if he or she is concerned about adverse health impact. However, she said the party believes that in addition to the constitutional question, vote-by-mail is more subject to fraud than absentee voting or voting in person.

In supporting its case, the GOP stated that “significant problems” were noted when registered Democrats and Republicans received applications to vote by mail for the presidential primary and the Delaware primary. People who no longer live in Delaware or at the address at which the application was received nonetheless received an application.

Also, some people report that the name on the application was not the same as the one on the envelope. Some also said their vote was not counted.

ā€œThis vote by mail statute is not only unconstitutional and unnecessary, it is flawed, and has served to disenfranchise voters, not make it easier for them to vote,ā€ Brady said.

The legislation passed by the General Assembly permits vote-by-mail during the current election season. Polling places will be open on this year’s election days.
