Delaware State Treasurer to End Her Campaign for Congress in Delaware


State Treasurer Colleen Davis has decided to end her campaign for Congress in Delaware, as she and her family have gone through a difficult time recently. She mentioned her father’s ongoing illness and her own health-related concerns as well. While the state treasurer is recovering well, she has adjusted her priorities at this time–with family and health coming first. In terms of her position serving in Delaware, she will now be able to focus her time and energy on the work that needs to be done in the Treasurer’s office. Davis is grateful for all the support she has received and looks forward to continuing to serve in the First State. The following is her official statement:

“In recent weeks and months, my family and I have gone through a great deal of difficulty, including my father’s ongoing illness, learning that I carry a genetic mutation that poses a risk for cancer, and my decision to have my ovaries removed and a double mastectomy. While I’m recovering well, this has all helped clarify my priorities at this time in my life – that family, and our health, always comes first. I will therefore be ending my campaign for Congress in Delaware. 

We are also doing absolutely critical work in the Treasurer’s office, and I will now be able to throw all of my time and energy into the vital operations and programs within my office, including the rollout of the Delaware EARNS program in the coming months, which will eventually help more than 100,000 Delawareans save for a more secure future.  I am so grateful for the abundance of support that I have received from all across Delaware and look forward to continuing to serve our incredible state for years to come. The end of one journey is the beginning of the next.”
