Demonstrators Protest What They Call “Uncontrolled Development” In Sussex Co.


“Enough is enough,” read one sign at a demonstration on The Circle in Georgetown Tuesday organized by a group that contends Sussex County is continuing to allow uncontrolled development.

Sussex2030 formed during a land use battle a few years ago. Their protest was mostly quiet, although several people who passed by honked their horns in support.

Earlier, Lewes-area resident Dave Breen with Sussex2030 told WGMD News that there did not appear to be long-term planning or adequate infrastructure to accommodate growth.

“It’s very difficult if not actually impossible in any situation to play catch-up all the time,” Breen said.

3rd District Councilman Mark Schaeffer, meanwhile, saw it differently. Schaeffer told WGMD’s Mike Bradley that the county is guided by a comprehensive plan that has the effect of law.

“This Sussex County Council that I have the honor to serve with is extremely proactive in managing our roads, our sewer, our water, EMS fire service and Internet service in the county,” Schaeffer said.

Several people who took part in the protest also spoke during the public comment part of this afternoon’s Sussex County Council meeting.
