US Capitol Stormed On Day Of Electoral Debate


Demonstrators scaled barricades and proceeded unimpeded through security at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington DC Wednesday, rushing Senators, Representatives and staffers to secure locations. The chaotic events came on the day that lawmakers were debating whether to officially put the final seal on the results of the November 3rd election.

WGMD News has heard from a staff member with U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D- Del.) who says Carper and his staff members are safe.

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D- Del.) said this in a Tweet shortly after 4:00 p.m. Wednesday:

“Thank you to everyone who has reached out with their prayers and concerns. I am safe and in a secure location.

Several buses from Delmarva headed to Washington for an earlier rally at which President Trump spoke.

Senator Chris Coons (D- Del.) posted this message on Facebook:

“I’m safe as are the senators and staff. There were some scary and chaotic moments when the Capitol was breached by protestors and the Capitol police evacuated us from the Senate. I never thought I would see this in our nation – a President egging on protestors and allies in the Congress to seek to overturn an election. We need to come together and secure our democracy. I remain confident we will return to the Senate tonight and complete our work.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan issued this statement:

“All Americans should be outraged by this attack on our nation’s Capitol. This is a heinous and violent assault on the heart of our democracy. I will not stand for this, and neither should any American. I am in close contact with congressional leaders about the situation inside the Capitol. At my direction, the Maryland State Police is sending in troopers to assist the Metropolitan Police Department and the United States Capitol Police. I have instructed the Adjutant General of the Maryland National Guard to call up a rapid response force to support law enforcement and restore order.”

Delaware Republican Party Chair Jane Brady issued this statement on Facebook:

“I think it is remarkable that the capital security officers were not able to prevent the intrusion into the Capitol by protesters. I believe the majority of the people there are peacefully protesting, but for those who choose to be violent and destructive there should be consequences. We should not sanction any violence on our institutions. That the business of our government was disrupted by protesters is shocking and unacceptable.”

Senator Tom Carper (D- Del.) released a statement Wednesday evening:

“This afternoon, a violent mob, incited by the sitting President of the United States, waged an attack on our Capitol and on our democracy. Instead of watching the ceremonial tallying of electoral votes, we saw an insurrection here in the United States of America. The blatant misinformation that Donald Trump embraces, and the white supremacists and other extremists that he refuses to disavow, have been allowed into our politics and, today, they forced their way into our Capitol. 

“As elected officials, our words matter. They carry weight. And we have an obligation to wield them responsibly. This president, and those who have continued to push the conspiracy theories to which he clings, are complicit in creating an environment that has led to the violence and destruction we saw here today. Our country is better than this. But, unfortunately, this is who Donald Trump is. His concern is only for himself – not for the innocent lives his rhetoric endangers, not for the democratic institutions it undermines, not for the country it further divides. I have said repeatedly today that Donald Trump should resign immediately. If he refuses, then we must find ways to safeguard our democracy for the next 14 days and remove him from office. It’s not enough to simply ‘turn the temperature down.’ My Republican colleagues must unequivocally reject the conspiracy theories and extremism that fueled this attack on our peaceful transition of power. Tell the American people the truth. Choose the world’s greatest democracy over Donald Trump.

“Make no mistake: we will not be intimidated by domestic terrorists. We will ensure our Constitution withstands this assault. The certification of the election will continue, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in on January 20th. I look forward to voting tonight to uphold the will of the American people and doing my part to address the monumental challenges that our country faces going forward.”

