UPDATED: Dewey Beach Commission Introduce New Town Manager


UPDATED – Dewey Beach has a new town manager.  During this week’s meeting Mayor T-J Redefer introduced the new person sitting at the side of the commissioners table as Scott Koenig – Dewey’s new town manager.  Koenig was the top choice of the commission when they opted to begin contract talks with him last month.  He is the former city manager in Dover.  Koenig is already on the job after sitting in on his first Commissioner’s meeting on Saturday.


The search for a new Town Manager in Dewey Beach could end this morning.  Last month town officials entered into contract talks with Scott Koenig – and during this morning’s Commissioner’s meeting there will be discussion and a possible vote to adopt a resolution to appoint a new Town Manager.  Koenig, the former city manager of Dover, was chosen from a field of 25 applicants to replace former town manager Marc Appelbaum who faced serious allegations – including sexual harassment and misuse of authority.  The Commissioner’s meeting begins at 10:30 in the Dewey Beach Lifesaving Station.

