DNREC Extends Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

Delaware has extended its rebate program for electric vehicles and charging station purchases for six months, through the end of June 2021.

According to the Department of Natural Resources, the rebate program is part of the state’s commitment to improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“Transportation is a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Delaware,” said Gov. John Carney. “Vehicle electrification is a leading strategy in reducing those emissions, and by providing rebates to residents and businesses we are improving the air quality for a healthier Delaware.”

The DNREC Clean Transportation Incentive Program makes rebates available of varying amounts for battery-powered electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and charging stations. About 500 people and businesses have received rebates since the start of the program.

The Clean Transportation Incentive Program has been well-received across Delaware,” DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin added. “Since DNREC started this program, almost 5,000 rebates have been given to Delaware residents and businesses that have adopted cleaner fueled vehicles, like electric vehicles.”
