DNREC Looking for Delaware Students to be Nominated for Environmentalist Awards

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is looking for students in the First State who are working to make a difference for the environment. DREC encourages teachers, classmates, club or group leaders, family members and others to nominate these students for the 2023 DNREC Young Environmentalist of the Year Awards. Nominations must be based on actions or projects which have taken place between July 1st last year and June 30th this year. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, June 30, 2023. A winner will be chosen from each of the following categories: elementary (grades 1 to 4), middle school (grades 5 to 8), and high school (grades 9 to 12). Each category winner will receive a certificate, gift card and prize pack in recognition of his or her contribution to the community. An awards ceremony will take place on Governor鈥檚 Day, Thursday, July 27th, at the Delaware State Fair, with details to be announced in the summer.

More information and the nomination form can be found on the DNREC website at de.gov/youngenvironmentalists, or email joanna.wilson@delaware.gov.