DNREC Publishing Regulations Seeking to Ban the Sale of New Fuel-Powered Vehicles
A Virtual Public Hearing will take place on regulations that seek to ban the sale of new fuel-powered vehicles. The hearing is set for Wednesday, April 26th, beginning at 6 p.m. DNREC will accept public comments through Thursday, May 26th, 2023. You can send comments in written form via email to DNRECHearingComments@delaware.gov, or by using the online form at de.gov/dnreccomments, or by U.S. mail to the following address…
Theresa Newman, Hearing Officer
DNREC — Office of the Secretary
89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901
Additional Information from DNREC:
The proposed regulations may be inspected online starting April 1, 2023 at regulations.delaware.gov/services/current_issue.shtml, Air Quality’s Regulatory Development website, http://dnrec.alpha.delaware.gov/…/under-development/, or by contacting Kyle Krall by phone at 302-739-9402 or by email at: kyle.krall@delaware.gov.
The web link to the virtual hearing can be accessed through the DNREC Public Hearings site at de.gov/dnrechearings. If prompted for a passcode, please use: 693764. To access the audio-only portion of the virtual hearing, dial 1-646-931-3860 and enter the meeting ID: 963 6971 8957. Closed-captioning is available by request if made at least 7 days before the event.
Those wishing to offer verbal comments during DNREC public hearings must pre-register no later than noon of the date of the virtual hearing at de.gov/dnreccomments or by telephone at 302-739-9295