DNREC’s Low Digit Surf Fishing License Plates Auction Ends Dec 7


DNREC’s annual auction of low-digit surf fishing license plates started Nov. 21 and will remain live at usgovbid.com through Thursday, Dec. 7. The online auction benefits Delaware State Parks.

Bidders will have the option to bid on 15 tags including Nos. 37, 49, 120, 244, 366, 422 and on nine “choice” categories, ranging from tags 38 to 9999. For the choice tags, the highest bidder in each range can choose an available number. The minimum bid for a low-digit surf fishing plate is $250. By state law, surf-fishing tags numbered 1 through 200 are limited to vehicles registered in Delaware.

The auction of low-numbered plates was authorized by the Delaware General Assembly in 2015 and allows the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation to auction low-digit tags to the highest bidder.

A low-digit surf fishing tag does not allow drive-on surf fishing access – a valid surf fishing permit is still required.

For more information about the low-digit surf fishing license plate auction, visit https://destateparks.com/LowDigitTags.

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