Face Coverings Mandatory in Rehoboth Beach Beginning 5pm Wednesday, July 1


Today, at a special meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners to address the ongoing pandemic caused by COVID-19, the Commissioners voted unanimously to mandate the wearing of facial coverings on all public streets, public sidewalks, public parks, the Boardwalk, the beach and in commercial establishments in the City of Rehoboth Beach. Mayor Kuhns, by virtue of his authority, thus ordered the second modification to the Proclamation of Civil Emergency and Order concerning the COVID-19 pandemic issued on March 22, 2020. The order will go into effect tomorrow, Wednesday, July 1, at 5:00 p.m.
Exceptions to not wearing a facial covering include:

  • While actively bathing in the ocean water
  • While within a dining establishment when not required to otherwise wear a face covering under Governor Carney’s State of Emergency and modifications
  • If doing so would present a health risk
  • If a person is age 12 and younger

 The order applies to all persons, including bicyclists.
Due to the resurgence of infection and an inordinate number of people testing positive for the illness, whether or not they are exhibiting symptoms and due to many visitors flocking to the City for the summer season to enjoy our beautiful beach but while not carefully social distancing or wearing facial coverings, the decision was made today for more restrictive measures to be in place. This order will be enforced by the police department as they are able to do so.
Please consider the health of your families, your neighbors, and the general public. We are living in extremely uncertain times and all preventative measures must be taken so as not to have a total reoccurrence of this tragic illness. The positive steps taken during the last 3 ½ months to limit the spread of the illness must not be reversed.
