Fireworks Are On In Rehoboth Beach July 3rd
Independence Day weekend fireworks are on this year in Rehoboth Beach.
City officials Friday announced that the fireworks display will proceed as scheduled Saturday, July 3rd. Before and after the fireworks, The Funsters will perform at the Bandstand at 8:00 p.m. and again after the 9:30 p.m. fireworks show is completed.
“We’re really excited that the country is opening back up and that we are able to celebrate with our annual fireworks display,” City Manager Sharon Lynn said. “It’s been a challenging year-and-a-half and, like everyone else, we’re eager to have a little fun and enjoy the kind of summer activities that Rehoboth Beach is so well known for. We are confident that we can have a safe fireworks display this year and delighted that Rehoboth Beach is a ‘happy place’ for so many. We look forward to a great summer.”
Rehoboth Beach officials said several COVID-19 safety precautions will be taken, as approved by Delaware Public Health. Hand-sanitizing stations will be provided, social distancing will be encouraged and masks will be mandated for spectators who are not vaccinated for coronavirus.
Also, Rehoboth Beach City Hall will reopen to the public June 1st. Commission meetings will resume in person at the City Hall meeting room and the public will be encouraged to attend. Hand-washing stations will be available, and masks will be required for people who are not vaccinated.