First Responder Mental Health Training Available In Worcester Co.

Training in Mental Health First Aid will be available for first responders and their families in Worcester County and surrounding area. The training is being called groundbreaking, with valuable instruction in how to identify when someone may be struggling with a mental health or substance use issue.

The Worcester County Health Department recently received a grant from the Opioid Operational Command Center to make these sessions available.

ā€œThe Worcester County Health Department is committed to providing prevention and education resources to Worcester County Emergency Medical Service personnel, including firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians. Mental Health First Aid will provide additional tools needed to respond to vulnerable individuals experiencing a mental health crisis,ā€ Worcester County Health Officer Rebecca Jones said. ā€œThis training will also help increase self- awareness among the first responder community, who deal with tremendous stress daily, and spread understanding of how to recognize the signs of a potential mental health crisis in yourself or your coworkers.ā€

The first responder community has been found to have rates of depression and substance abuse higher than those among the general public, which increases their risk of suicide. The stress of responding to overdoses also takes a toll on first responders.

More information is available from the Worcester County Health Department. Contact Jaclyn Sturgis at 410-632-1100 ext. 1125 or e-mail