Flu Shots Become Available In Del.


If you want to minimize your chance of getting the flu, or reduce the seriousness if you do get sick, now’s the time to schedule a flu shot, according to Delaware Public Health.

It takes about two weeks after a vaccination for the antibodies to develop.

DPH operates several clinics at community-based locations where staff are already administering the COVID-19 vaccine. The influenza vaccine is also widely available from pharmacies medical providers and federally qualified health centers.

“Because the number of cases dropped last year, many people think the flu has disappeared, but in fact, the flu is still a major health threat as it is highly contagious and can be deadly,” Rattay said. “At a time when hospitals are under tremendous strain from the coronavirus pandemic, we need to do all we can to keep even more people from overwhelming emergency departments and hospitals with flu illness.  Getting the flu vaccine is the one key step to keep that from happening.”

“With pandemic safety practices easing, more Delawareans are interacting outside the home, more public events are happening, and fewer people are wearing masks. These things make it easier for the flu to spread,” Rattay added. “The flu vaccine is the strongest defense when it comes to keeping yourself and family members safe and preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and possibly death.”

More information is provided below, courtesy of Delaware Public Health:

Flu symptoms come on suddenly, and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headaches and body aches, chills and fatigue. Children, older adults, and those who have chronic underlying medical conditions are most at risk for complications from the flu and are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated now. Some signs and symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny or stuffy nose, headaches and body aches, chills and fatigue.Testing can effectively help you determine which illness you have.

Those sick with the flu should stay home from work, school and other gatherings and not return until they have been free of fever – with temperature less than 100 degrees F (37.8 degrees C), without the use of fever-reducing medications – for at least 24 hours.

In addition, people with flu symptoms should avoid close contact with well people in the household and stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other clear liquids. Over-the-counter medicines can provide symptom relief, but if you suspect you have influenza, call your doctor as they may decide to provide antiviral medications to help hasten recovery and prevent serious complications. This is particularly important for those who feel very sick, are pregnant or have chronic medical conditions.

DPH will again be sharing flu-related messaging through radio, print, and social media messaging, and will distribute a toolkit to schools, community-based organizations and medical providers to help them encourage flu vaccination through their networks as well.

For more information about the flu and where to get vaccinated, visit flu.delaware.gov or call 1-800-282-8672.
