Sussex County Councilman: Georgetown approves $440K for Sussex Sports Center Foundation


Georgetown will be contributing close to a half million dollars to support the Sussex Sports Center Foundation over the next decade. At the town council meeting last week, the Georgetown council approved a memorandum of understanding that offers rebates to the foundation to offset water and sewer usage fees. The agreement also allows the foundation to seek grant funding annually to cover capital expenses.

In November, Sussex Post reported Mayor Bill West told county council the town could not spare more than $25,000 annually due to $13 million in debt from sewer system upgrades. However, this morning County Councilman George Cole telling WGMD the agreement will tally close to $500,000 over a decade.

“Originally they were putting up a nominal amount, like $25,000” says Cole. “But their town council– my understanding is– has proffered $440,000 over 10 years to mirror the County’s involvement.”

WGMD reached out to Mayor Bill West yesterday for more details on the agreement, but the Mayor has yet to respond. If Cole’s estimates are correct, Sussex Sports Center Foundation now has access nearly $2 million from town and county to help fund the $4 million project.
