VIDEO | Gov. Carney Presents FY ’23 Budget


Delaware Governor John Carney has presented his Fiscal Year 2023 Recommended Budget , which will be reviewed by the General Assembly’s Joint Finance committee starting Tuesday.

“We made it through the worst of the pandemic without cutting services or raising taxes. Responsibly managing our state budget is more important than ever. This budget proposal will do just that,” Carney said. “Delaware will come out stronger through this pandemic. That’s why we’re investing in economic development to prepare our state for the economy of the future. That’s why we’re continuing to invest in Delaware’s children, families and workforce. And that’s why we’re investing in protecting Delaware’s natural heritage. I want to thank members of the General Assembly for their partnership and for their consideration of this budget.” 

Carney was accompanied by Office of Management and Budget Director Cerron Cade and Finance Secretary Rick Geisenberger in Thursday’s presentation.

According to Governor Carney’s office: 

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Highlights

  • General Fund Operating budget totals $4.9 billion, limiting growth to 4.6%
  • Sets aside over $15.2 million in reserves (after projected cash to bond bill and grant in aid)
  • Appropriates $215 million toward one-time items in a separate supplemental appropriation bill
  • Takes continued steps toward providing compensation and pay equity for state employees
  • Increases Opportunity Funding investments in our schools for low-income students and English language learners
  • Continues investments in clean water, economic development and fulfills our commitments to new school construction in all three counties
  • Continues to fund secure and modern spaces for Kent and Sussex County courthouses

Preparing for the Economy of the Future

  • Invests $60 million in economic development, including:
    • $30 million in strategic fund
    • $10 million in site readiness
    • $10 million in graduation lab space
    • $10 million in transportation infrastructure fund

Environmental Initiatives

  • Invests $404.7 million in environmental justice, including:  
    • $30 million in aglands preservation and open space
    • $7.5 million in shoreline and waterway resiliency
    • $367.2 million in clean water, including federal support from the American Rescue Plant Act

Investing in Delaware’s Children

  • Invests $339.9 million in funding school projects, including $19.8 million for the Wilmington Learning Collaborative and Redding Consortium
  • Increases funding by $4.5 million for low-income students and English learner students towards achieving the goal of doubling opportunity funding by 2025
  • Invests $20.6 million to support mental health service units for elementary schools
  • Invests millions in Delaware’s higher education institutions including capital improvements, technology upgrades, scholarships, and investments into the Higher Education Economic Development Investment Fund

Supporting Delaware Families

  • $1.4 million to support extended post-partum Medicaid coverage
  • $1.5 million for the development of a therapeutic foster care program
  • Nearly $1 million to support the growth of Delaware Healthy Children Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • $3.7 million to support expungement programs

Supporting Delaware’s Workforce

  • Investing $88.7 million in compensation and pay equity to move toward a $15 minimum wage for state workers, increase to merit pay scales or 2% pay increase
  • Supporting Health Care Workers
    • $500,000 to increase funding for the Health Care provider State loan repayment program
    • $300,000 to permanently fund the mental health services loan forgiveness program
  • Supporting Child Care Providers & Workers
    • $11.5 million in increased support for child care providers and workers
