Graduation Rates Up, Dropout Rates Down in Delaware


The 2018-2019 school year saw an increase in graduation rates and a decrease in the dropout rate in Delaware’s public high schools.

The Delaware Department of Education’s annual report showed an overall graduation rate of 86.69 percent, an increase from 85.75 percent the year prior. The graduation rates for several subgroups like African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, low-income, English learners and students with disabilities were also up.

The dropout rate saw a modest decrease, 6999 of 41,593 students enrolled in grades 9-12 dropped out for a rate of 1.68 percent, slightly down from the 1.71 percent rate in the previous year.

Secretary of Education Susan Bunting said “Every day educations across our state are focused on the children most at risk for dropping out or not graduating on time.” She continued “We know our work is not done, and we will continue to focus on those students who need more support. We must ensure that every child completes his or her education.”
