Historic Town Clock Proposed for Lewes

Image courtesy Horizon Philanthropic Services

With the approval of Lewes City Council and support from local residents, a charitable fund at the Greater Lewes Foundation proposes to pay for a historic town clock to be installed at the corner of Second and Bank Streets in Lewes.

The Steve and Lorraine Walker Fund is launching a campaign to raise the $22,625 needed for the clock with an initial donation of $2,262.50. An appeal mailing has gone out, giving Lewes residents an opportunity to support the project.

The chosen supplier, Verdin Co. of Cincinnati, has been building nostalgic post clocks for small towns around the country since 1842.

The Lewes Town Clock dimensions are 10’9” tall with two-sided 2’5” faces. The dial will be lighted and the city’s motto – “First Town in the First State” inscribed on each face. The words “Lewes, DE Est. 1631” will also appear on the top bezel.

The campaign goal includes $6,000 to be kept with the GLF to cover 10 years of inspections and maintenance by the Verdin Co.

If enough donations are received, the clock could be installed this summer, according to Steve Walker. “We expect ‘see you at the clock’ will become part of the Lewes lexicon in years to come,” Walker said, noting that parking violations could also be reduced by keeping visitors aware of the time.

Lewes Mayor Ted Becker said, “The idea of a historic town clock has been discussed for many years. I applaud the initiative of Steve and Lorrie Walker to finally make this a reality.”

Interested donors can respond to the mailing, send gifts to the GLF at PO Box 110, Lewes, or access the Greater Lewes Foundation online and select the Town Clock Campaign from among its donation options.

Donors will be recognized through an ad in the Cape Gazette and invited to a clock unveiling reception during it’s installation.