Hurricane Dorian could bring coastal flooding, dangerous rip currents to Delmarva

Hurricane Dorian hammered the Bahamas, bringing with it massive flooding and unrelenting winds causing widespread damage to the island.

The storm now poses a threat to Florida, the Carolinas, and other states along the southern stretch of the East Coast, but what will its impact be here on Delmarva?

Speaking to our own Mike Bradley, Accuweather Meteorologist Joe Lundburg says the region should begin to feel the effects of the storm on Thursday.

While rain will be minimal, winds could reach tropical storm severity and coastal flooding will likely be an issue into Friday.

WGMD Accuweather Meteorologist Joe Lundberg explains…

“I suspect that we’re going to have some windgusts that approach tropical storm force,” Lundberg said. “In terms of coastal flooding, I think that could be fairly extensive and the farther south you go the worse it could be.”

Dangerous rip currents will also be a concern headed into Friday, according to Lundberg.

Stay with WGMD News for the latest developments on Hurricane Dorian.