IEP-Centered Workshops for IRSD Parents Available at Frankford Public Library


If you’re an Indian River School District parent trying to deal with the Individualized Education Plan – or I-E-P – process – and you’re overwhelmed – help is as close as the Frankford Public Library.  The Parent Information Center is offering I-E-P-centered workshops at the Library in October – just as the kids are getting their first semester progress reports.  The workshops will be offered Tuesday evenings in October beginning on the 9th from 6 to 8pm.  Each workshop is stand-alone and are meant to help parents understand the processes behind the I-E-Ps and 5-0-4s.

The Indian River School District has an amazing team of professionals, who work tirelessly on behalf of our children and inclusivity for all types of learners. The Frankford Public Library wants to help enrich the community through a variety of programs and resources, especially as it relates to early literacy and supporting teachers and administration of our local school districts. The workshops are meant to help both parents and school districts by providing parents with additional resources for understanding the processes behind the IEPs and 504s, which are for learning behavior accommodations.

For parents and other caregivers, the IEP process can be intricate, and so by opening lines of communication, they aim to help with parent engagement in the process. Frankford Public Library Director, Rachel Wackett wants parents to know, “This process isn’t something that is happening to you, it’s something that is happening with you.”

The courses will cover a variety of material relating to IEPs. The first session (Oct. 9th) covers the basics of the process of eligibility as well as transitional IEPs. The second (Oct. 16th) covers developing IEP basics, and how to understand measures of success. The third session (Oct. 23rd) will address Section 504 plans and services for behavior accommodations.  And finally, the fourth session (Oct. 30th) will focus on supporting students with ADHD and strategies to support learning at home.

This is a set of a workshops that will be highly valuable for parents who need more information and help navigating and advocating as it related to IEPs and special education. Wackett and the Parent Information Center hope that parents and caregivers will take full advantage of the resourceful workshops during the month of October.

For more information on the IEP Workshops, please visit or or call the Frankford Public Library at (302) 732-9351.

