Inductees Announced For Hall Of Fame of Del. Women


The Hall of Fame of Delaware Women will induct eight women over 2020 and 2021. Governor John Carney announced the list of inductees Thursday.

The historic induction ceremony to honor the late Margaret Burton White Houston and the late Mary Seward Phillips Eskridge will take place September 21st in Georgetown, when a historical marker to honor the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage will be dedicated.

In October 2021, the Hall of Fame of Delaware Women will induct:

-Ann Jaffe, a Holocaust survivor and retired teacher

-Fayetta Blake, founder of Pathways to Success

-Marianne Blackburn Drew, first female line Rear Admiral of the Naval Reserve

-House Speaker Valerie Longhurt

-State Representative Stephanie T. Boulden

-Jennifer Cohan, Delaware Secretary of Transportation
