Influenza Has Arrived In Delaware


Delaware’s first known case of influenza for the current season is also the first pediatric case of the season.

Public Health officials said Thursday that labs have confirmed that a child under age five from Kent County has been diagnosed with the flu.

The state has been encouraging all Delawareans to get the flu vaccine, which is even more important now that COVID-19 cases have been increasing over the past few weeks.

“The flu vaccine won’t prevent COVID-19, but it is effective at preventing the flu. The flu vaccine decreases the number of people who need to be treated for the flu. This means more health care supplies, resources, and professionals will be available on the front lines to fight the pandemic,” DPH Director Dr. Karyl Rattay said. “By eliminating the need to visit your provider’s office or be hospitalized for the flu, you help lower the risk of workers on the front lines getting sick.”

During the2019-20 flu season, Delaware recorded more than 7,000 lab-confirmed cases of flu. Eleven people died, and about 400 Delawareans were hospitalized.

The vaccine is recommended for anyone six months of age or older. For information on where to get vaccinated, visit
