IR School Board “No Confidence” in Gov Carney’s Mask Mandate


The Indian River School Board listened to dozens of parents on both sides of the mask issue during Monday night’s school board meeting then the Board voted 9 to 1 on a motion by Dr. Donald Hattier on a vote of “no confidence” regarding the Governor’s mask mandate and the Division of Public Health. The district also voted unanimously to petition the DOE and the Governor’s office to reconsider or revise the emergency order mandating masks in schools and requesting all the facts and data being used to determine the need for the mask mandate.

Indian River board members extended the public comment part of Monday’s meeting so that all parents could be heard – regardless of which side of the mask mandate they stood. They didn’t want the shouting and other protesting that has accompanied other school board meetings since the Governor’s mandate became effective on August 16th.

The ‘no confidence’ vote sends a message but is symbolic. When school begins after Labor Day – teachers, students and staff will still be required to wear face coverings – or risk the loss of insurance and other funding from the State.
