UPDATE: Laurel School District Superintendent Dr. Shawn Larrimore Reinstated; Statement from Dr. Larrimore

UPDATE: Statement from Dr. Shawn Larrimore (letter below from the Laurel School District Facebook Page):

Laurel School District Superintendent Dr. Shawn Larrimore who was reinstated this month has issued a statement regarding his recent leave of absence, which was prompted by a DUI incident. He expresses his sincerest apologies and says this period has been a time of intense private reflection and rehabilitation as he addresses his personal challenges. Dr. Larrimore extends his deepest appreciation to the Board for granting him the necessary leave to focus on his recovery. He adds that as he returns to his responsibilities, he is committed to moving forward with transparency, humility, and a renewed dedication to being of service to the students and community. You can read his full statement below:

A Message from Superintendent Larrimore

July 7

Dear Laurel Community,

I hope this message finds all of you doing well.

I want to express my sincerest apologies for my recent actions and any concerns or distress they may have caused. I have spent the last 50-plus days on sick leave and, as many of you are aware, my leave of absence was prompted by a DUI incident, which is still under adjudication.

This period has been a time of intense private reflection and rehabilitation as I address my personal challenges.

I extend my deepest appreciation to the Board for granting me the necessary leave to focus on my recovery. Their understanding and support have been invaluable during this difficult time. Additionally, I acknowledge and express my respect for the service the Laurel Police Department provides to our schools and community.

As I prepare to return to my responsibilities, I am committed to moving forward with transparency, humility, and a renewed dedication to being of service to our students and community.

There is an age-old saying about separating the chaff from the wheat, which means removing what is useless and harmful from what is valuable and good. Daily, I am working diligently to remove my personal chaff to better serve my family, our students, our staff, and our community.

I am grateful for your continued support as I work to regain your trust and contribute positively to our schools once again.


Shawn Larrimore

Previous Post:

The Laurel Board of Education has announced the reinstatement of Dr. Shawn Larrimore as Superintendent, effective July 8th. After a traffic stop in May, Larrimore was arrested and charged with DUI and other traffic-related offenses.

A letter posted by the Laurel School District on their Facebook Page:

Community Statement: Reinstatement of Dr. Shawn Larrimore

Date: July 3, 2024

The Laurel Board of Education announces the reinstatement of Dr. Shawn Larrimore as Superintendent, effective July 8, 2024. During his absence, Dr. Larrimore has taken significant time to reflect, grow, and take important steps to ensure he meets the expectations of the Board and the community as a whole.

The Board has thoroughly reviewed the situation and believes in Dr. Larrimore’s dedication to personal and professional development. We are confident in his ability to lead our district with integrity and commitment to the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community.

We appreciate the community鈥檚 understanding and support during this time and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to achieve our shared goals for the Laurel School District.


Laurel Board of Education